Since I've had my surgery, I haven't been able to do ANYTHING.
Now, the old Carly would be super stoked to have an excuse to not have to do anything and be waited on hand and foot.
I went to work yesterday for the first time since surgery, and I barely made it to lunch time before it started throbbing so much that I had to come home and hit up the painkillers.
Again, not being at work wouldn't usually be an irritation for me... I've always said I wouldn't work if I didn't have to. However, sitting on my ass at home isn't really what I would choose to do with that free time.
I dream of being that pampered housewife... staying home and doing the chores the way I think they should be done... cooking real meals... doing fun Pinterest-y crafts. But no.
I've been hobbling around on my janky foot since Tuesday night, not getting much done.
I have done some laundry and dishes, and tried to get our bathroom tidied up.
But what I REALLY want to do?
I was doing so well with my workout routine and cooking well rounded meals from my Biggest Loser and Weight Watchers cookbooks for Chad and I every night.
And then came the great winter storm of 2011 which left us without power for 4+ days, as well as snowed in for almost 3 of those days.
Sure, I could've worked out at home during those days, but did I want to do that and get all sweaty and smelly and then not be able to take a hot shower? Negatory.
Then the roads got plowed and I was able to get to the gym. Workout + Cable + Hot Shower = happy Carly.
That lasted a whole 2 days before I had my surgery.
Now I just feel really disgusting and I can just feel the pounds coming back and I am just getting so frustrated. I know, I know, it's not the end of the world. Once I can get back in the game, I should be able to pick up where I left off.
But I just feel so anxious about it and I want to be able to stick with my routine and I know that every hour I a sitting here on my ass with my foot in the air is another pound creeping back on to my body.
Anyways, I just needed to bitch it out for a minute because I am depressed about my current disabled state and this gelatinous fatty matter around my middle... and every other part of my body.

I can't imagine being stuck like that. Especially after all that work! I hope you get to start going out there real soon!
On a lighter note: Did you know that butt clenching is an exercise? Just a thought ;)
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