It's okay... to panic when I finally get to log into my Google Reader and see 400+ unread blog posts. Sorry guys, I swear I'm trying to catch up when I can!
It's okay... that I think I found someone to buy my horse from me (for significantly more money than I paid for her)
It's okay... To think that Quelf is seriously the funniest game in the world. No joke. If you don't already own it, go out and buy it. Like, yesterday.
It's okay... that it's a short work week, yet I already have 3 hours of overtime. Hello big paycheck!
It's okay... to be almost happy about summer ending because that means that fall is right around the corner.
It's okay... that my birthday is less than a month away. EEK! What to do...
It's okay... to be really upset that PLL is over for a while :(
It's okay... to be three chapters into a new book and already be really disappointed in it. Review to come.
Anyways lovies, I will try to be back tomorrow with a book review (or two, depending on what the last book I reviewed for you was...). Try not to get too excited...
I'm sad PLL is over :( the last episode was amazing!!! my mouth hung open at the end for like 5 months!!!
Haha, you're not the only one that panics when they see the high triple digits in reader. The highest I've ever gotten to was 348 & I swore I'd never let it get that high. So far so good, I've only hit the 200's haha.
Yay for birthdays! Hope you have something fun planned.
i cannot wait for PLL to come back! so bummed it's still another 6 weeks :(
hope you had a great weekend!
p.s. i'm your newest follower :)
xo brie
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