Monday, July 4, 2011

Cause Baby You're a Firework

Well my pets, here we are, the 4th of July! In case you hadn’theard, I had myelf a party yesterday. It was a BLAST. I had lots of friends and family show up, and there was good food and good times for all. But now I have to clean everything up… shit.
Also, I officially fell of my Medifast train yesterday FOR REAL. There was way too much food around for me to be able to ignore it and eat my soup from a pouch while people were indulging in salads, burgers, chicken, and CAKE. Good thing The Heir to Blair is on vaca right now, or I would have to bare it all on McFatty Monday. Phew.
This is another short post, but there is much fun to be had in the sun today. Everybody have a safe and fun 4th of July. GO AMERICA!

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