Sunday, December 11, 2011

Weekend at a Glance

Well friends, this weekend was largely uneventful.
Friday night, Chad and I went to the bar to get some dinner and hang out with some friends. Then we came home, watched some TV and went to bed. No big deal.

Saturday consisted of Chad going coyote/cougar hunting in the morning. Which left me to do whatever I wanted for the day. I was supposed to go riding with my friend Tiffany in the afternoon, but at about 1:30 or so, she texted me to let me know that she thought it was too cold to ride and risk the horses getting sick (especially mine, since I'm pretty old school and she doesn't have a blanket or a stall or anything to go into in order to cool down slowly). But, I was able to score some sweet finds at Target when I was out shopping... three sweaters for me, some nail polish, jewelry, and CDs. I did manage to find a couple of stocking stuffers for my family too, haha.

Today I pretty much just cleaned. I have done I think 5 loads of laundry, 3 loads through the dishwasher, and various other tidying up. I feel like I do this every weekend. But I can't complain because as long as I do it on a regular basis, I can at least keep the mess SOMEWHAT under control.

With that said, I am off to my handbell choir rehearsal. Love it when we play Christmas songs!!!

1 comment:

Bree said...

Sounds like a perfect weekend to me!