Friday, May 25, 2012

Book Review: These Girls

The book I'm gonna tell you guys about today is These Girls by Sarah Pekkanen.

Amazon has this to say about it:

In her third novel, internationally bestselling author Sarah Pekkanen examines the lives of three women working and living together in New York City and shows that family secrets may shape us all, but it’s the rich, complicated layers of friendship that can save us.

This was an easy read. It was a good book, but it wasn't a GREAT book. 
I liked the fact that it didn't give away all the secrets right away, so it did have something that made you feel compelled to keep reading (even though the "secrets" these girl had weren't all that surprising.... kind of saw them coming).

I would give it 3 out of 5 stars. Nothing too special, but a nice easy read. 


Victoria said...

exactly what i thought! good and kept my attention but not GREAT or her best. still i liked the characters :)

happy weekend!

Shoshanah said...

I've been hearing good things about this one and it's been one that I've been thinking of picking up. Although knowing that you weren't a fan I guess I can bring it a notch or two lower on my to-read list.

Amber @ A Little Pink in the Cornfields said...

I just picked this up from the library yesterday. I liked her first two novels, so we'll see how this one goes!