Thursday, January 3, 2013

It's Okay: Preoccupied

So this week has proven to be a little stressful at work... staying really busy, people moving around since we had to close one of our branches, and getting rid of all the 2012 files and making room for the 2013 ones! So I thought I would take advantage of It's Okay Thursday to get my jumbled brain laid out.

Its Ok Thursdays

It's okay... that I haven't been to the gym yet this year. It's the WORST at the beginning of the year because everybody is still on their resolution trains!

It's okay... that Chad and I had breakfast for dinner last night. Hashbrowns, bacon and pancakes (with Reese's pieces and black raspberry jam... try it. You won't regret it!)

It's okay... that it's taking me kind of a long time to read The Thirteenth Tale. I am REALLY enjoying it, but I guess I just haven't had as much time to read this last week or so.

It's okay... that I have been mourning the end of Christmas music and movies. I gave myself until New Years, but it still isn't enough time!

It's okay... that over the past couple weeks I've been drinking WAY too much, so I see a dry spell in my future. Me and water need to become re-acquainted. 

It's okay... that I think I need to hurry up and get my new planner for the year... 

It's okay... that I plan to use the aforementioned planner to keep track of what days my favorite TV shows are on, and what is playing in cardio theater every day at the gym

It's okay... to be SO STOKED about the playoffs. Yes, I'm nervous (I always am before a Seahawks game), but we're having such a great season, I think we'll go far!


SHUG IN BOOTS {Beth} said...

I actually am ready to take Christmas down, but it's taking me foreverrrrr. {I put mine up two weeks before Thanksgiving :) }
I too am obsessed with planners. They have to be just right ... I like them large, like a notebook, with plenty of room for my fat handwriting, and I love to use lots of colors in pens and skinny markers. I may have a problem. Do you have any suggestions? I refuse to pay $60 for Erin Condren or a May Book.

Found you from the link up ... Happy Thursday!

Lin said...

I havent been to the gym in years. Believe me, you can tell :/ I was planning on going this month but then drove by & each machine was taken. You're right, everyone has a resolution to work out more. Not to be a bitch but hopefully they'll all fall off the bandwagon soon cause I need to get on that treadmill asap.

Dude, breakfast for dinner is the B-E-S-T!