Thursday, October 6, 2011

Please excuse my absence.

Its Ok Thursdays

It’s Okay… to do my link up super late because I was out house hunting.
It’s Okay… to treat yourself to a manicure every once in a while. Shellac!
It’s Okay… to start saving boxes in September in anticipation of needing them for Christmas gifts. You may call it hoarding, I call it being prepared!!
It’s Okay… to end up buying more new workout clothes than casual/work clothes. I can wear a pair of jeans a couple times without having to wash them, but workout pants? Barf.
It’s Okay… to leave the bedroom window open at night and just pile on extra blankets because you like the smell of the rain. And to have an excuse to snuggle up with Chad and Buck.
It’s Okay… to deck your cubicle out in Halloween decorations. Because you’re cool like that.
I’ll try to be better about blogging this next week, I just feel like I have been so busy lately!! Between work, hours on the stationary bike, and chores, I haven’t  had any time to read any blogs, let alone WRITE one!

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