Saturday, December 31, 2011

Ho Ho Homicide!

Last night was a party of epic proportion.
We went to a murder mystery party titled Ho Ho Homicide.

I've got a friend in my bell choir and her mom hosts these parties a couple times a year and they are always so much fun.
So what makes this one so much better than the ones in the past? Well, for one, it was Christmas themed. HELLO?! that makes everything better. Second, it was the first one of these parties that Chad has attended with me. And let me tell you, he was NOT excited.

I got off work yesterday and I FINALLY got home (side note, I definitely thought I was going to die driving home in a freak hail storm and basically slid about a mile through Snoqualmie before I came to a stop at the grocery store) and found Chad sitting on the couch in his work clothes with that "woe is me" look on his face. Poor little fella was SURE he was sick again and it was just going to be painful for him to go to the party.
Too bad, Chad, you have a fairly important role in this party, so you HAVE to go.
So, he hops in the shower, throws on his Budweiser sweatshirt and every so hesistantly agreed that we could leave. With beer and liquor in tow (since that's the smart thing to do when you are clearly dying of an infectious disease).

Anyways, it was a lot of fun, and Chad actually ended up enjoying himself. I had to practically drag him out of there. Although today he says it was stupid and he would never do it again.

We'll see about that...

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