Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Mother's Day Suprise...

I hope everybody has had a great weekend. I know mine was packed full, but great!

Friday night after work, Chad and I met with one of our realtors to amend our offer on the house. Basically the negotiator let our agents know that the bank had gotten a prior offer that was lower than what we had. It's good news because the other people backed out a while ago and went a different route, but the lines of communication with the bank have been opened up. The told the negotiator that they won't even LOOK at an offer under $195k, and he passed that info along to us. So we raised our limit to $198k and they will hopefully look at it on Monday. Eeek!

After that, Chad and I went to Dustin's house to hang out a little bit and play with Mason (who turns 3 tomorrow!). We ended up staying there for dinner with Dustin and his parents. It was a nice low key evening.
Ignore the blurry status... they were going too fast for my cell phone camera!


Saturday morning, Chad and I got up and went to the farm. I brushed my horse out a bit, treated ANOTHER little cut (looked like she was scratching herself on one of the barbed wire fences and got a little too agressive), and Chad tried to call in some coyotes.
After that, we met up with Dustin and our friend Matt to go fishing. We loaded up the boats, ourselves, and Mason and headed out.
It definitely wasn't my favorite lake. We didn't start getting any bites until probably around 7 pm, and when we did get them, they were little fellas. I actually only got ONE bite. It was quite discouraging. All it all it was a good day though. We ended up getting home around 9:30, eating a late dinner and passing out.


As you all know, today is Mother's Day!
This morning, Chad and I braved the Sunday morning crowds to run some errands. We went and picked out some new fishing tackle (since most of Chad's good stuff got lost when he moved in with me), got breakfast at a popular restaurant right away, and did some grocery shopping. 
As these errands were being run, I was keeping updated on what was going on with one of my good friends Morgan, who went into labor early this morning with her first baby.
He eventually made his way into this world at 11:05 weighing 7 pounds, 7 ounces.
Welcome to the world, Michael Duane Brittan IV!

Anyways, this evening we took my mom to dinner at a newish restaurant called WildFin American Grill. I made reservations earlier in the week and I'm glad I did. As we were leaving, a family came in and the girl had to turn them away because they were packed for the entire night! 
The service was good, the food was great. If you are ever in the area of Issaquah, I strongly suggest you check it out. And get the smoked salmon/spinach/artichoke dip. OH. MY. GAWD. It was good.

The evening ended with a little bit of light shopping at Ross and Petco for a new harness for the kitty and a new tee shirt for little Jasper.
"It's all fun and games until someone ends up in a cone"
Totally appropriate considering the fact that he scratches himself until he's raw and bleeding, which is why he has to wear the shirt in the first place. (BTW, if anybody has any ideas on what to do for an itchy dog, please let me know. We've tried all the flea stuff, but we don't think it's fleas because none of the other animals have them. We've also tried gentler shampoos and anti itch shampoos... it's no use!)

Anyways, that's pretty much it for my weekend. I'm bummed that it's Sunday night already because i feel like i haven't even enjoyed the weekend yet, even though I really did get a lot of fun stuff done.

Oh well, here's to another work week!

1 comment:

silvertag said...

Sounds fun!

I use an Oatmeal shampoo and leave in conditioner (for pets) that works great for itchiness.